Image - a screencap of the Google image search results for “Cavapoo” (a cross between Cavalier Spaniels and Poodles), they’re small dogs with long wavy hair.
Ok I’m going to be a Cavapoo mama too. (That’s what Mum’s dog Molly is.)
They are too freaking adorable and don’t shed either.
Omg that one second from the left on the bottom :D I died! LOOK AT ITS LITTLE TOY :D :D :D
I know you must think I am always harping on about dog stuff so I apologise in advance! But designer breeds (“cavapoos”, anything ending in “oodle” except poodles, malti-shits, all that stuff) are just crossbreeds, cavaliers x poodles, labrador x poodle etc. And there is nothing wrong with that*. AT ALL. You just have to be careful with saying stuff like ‘they don’t shed’, because that is actually pure luck. Cavaliers shed, poodles don’t, but crossing them won’t automatically make their offspring non-shedding. Do a google (that is fun to say out loud) search on designer breeds, they can actually have really big problems :(
Are you actually looking for a non-shedding dog specifically? I can find info for you :)
Or you can roll your eyes and ignore the crazy dog lady, it happens to me a lot don’t worry.
*The objection I have is when people try to pass them off as actual breeds of dogs (not you - I mean people who breed them then trick the public, that ain’t cool) or give them magical properties that they simply don’t have.
When I was googling after I posted this picture I actually read about the puppies having varying traits, I think I just assumed they didn’t shed because Mum bought Molly because she didn’t shed (Dad is allergic to everything.) I also read that crosses aren’t recognised as proper dog breeds too, but Mum was never interested in having a show dog! She had Phoebe (a poodle) and now Molly as companion dogs.
Nick and I aren’t looking for a dog yet, we can’t have pets where we live and we want to have yard or at least more room before we get serious about dogs. The non-shedding thing is desirable but not a deal breaker for either of us because we aren’t allergic to animal hair.
Nick really wants to adopt a dog from the RSPCA or otherwise, and honestly I would feel best about that too. I just want to make sure we research the breeds so we don’t get a dog that doesn’t suit us - when I was younger my sister and I bought a staffy x cattle dog from the RSPCA and he was gorgeous but jumped fences and thought the poodle was a sheep that needed rounding up. We had to find him a home on a large bush property and he’s really happy there now, but it was sad we couldn’t accommodate him and I still regret not doing more research before we brought him home.