prettyfacenowaist replied to your post: Honesty about being fat and poor and a blogger.
could not have said it better. i don’t have the resources to take outfit pictures or build a wardrobe i like. doesn’t invalidate my sense of style, though.
This is so worthy of bringing up, some people who might like to have fashion blogs where they post their outfit photos might struggle because they don’t have the gear or someone to take photos for them. I’ve seen a few posts around the net about how most fashion bloggers have partners and cameras along with class, thin, white, cis and heterosexual privilege. It really doesn’t seem that the people with these privileges are actually you know, helping along this fabled democratisation of fashion when so many people are being erased and excluded. I benefit from having Nick taking my photos, and the camera we bought recently was bought on a payment plan but still, you’ve got to have good credit history and what not.
If I didn’t have social phobia I would be all about street fashion photography, particularly focusing on people who aren’t as visible in the fashion bloggosphere - people of colour, fat people and those with disabilities*.
* I struggle with this phrasing and I’m open to being corrected!