this is from a tumblr called “queerfathungry”.
like any self-respecting fashion-magazine-reading straight-girl i feel a little bit bulimic after seeing this picture of a deep-fried mars bar…
but look at the shirt! those are the neighbourhoods of victoria, british columbia. my old home. nostalgic!
(via queerfathungry)
HOLD UP! I am gonna call bullshit on this. I don’t think that it’s self-respecting to feel bulimic after seeing a picture of a happy person enjoying their food and loving their body. I will not be used as a cautionary tale!
I love how solid, strong, capable, soft, warm, foxy, hairy, bumpy, and badass my body is, and how well it carries my heart and mind through the world.
So you do your thing, and I’ll do mine, but I will not silently let this kind of shit be said about my body or my fatties. I mean, have you seen my blog? fer cryin’ out loud.
*note: I have no intention of implying that struggling with bulimia means that you defacto don’t respect yourself. I’m in solidarity with ALL fatties. <3
Extremely well put.