OP: my anger and indeed my capslock was directed at the original source of the quotation. I thought I made that clear by bolding it at the top of the post. I at no point called you names.
Respectfully I can tell that neither of you know the basics of fat activism. This is a fat activist blog. If you disagree with my basic principles then you will disagree with anything I post. Go read some Kate Harding and Marianne Kirby and then we can argue properly. But you people don’t even know what obesity looks like. You don’t seem to understand that most morbidly obese people can and do walk without hindrance and don’t have diabetes or heart disease. You also don’t seem to have the sensitivity to understand why comparing a fabricated medical epidemic with a terrorist attack might be offensive and I don’t think I can even begin to argue with someone as unfeeling as that. You may think you’re Mother Theresa because you’ve looked at one suffering kid and thought oh geez but apparently you can’t extend the pity to think, “oh hey, maybe they’d like to be treated like a human being.”
And personally I don’t give a shit whether you think my caps lock is “cool”. You try having your entire physical identity insulted that way and staying calm.
If you think bad diet is a killer refer to it as bad diet. My fat isn’t killing me. It isn’t. I’m really sorry that I’m not dying to support your argument. I know that’s inconvenient for you.