[Image of The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago — one of my favorite pieces of art]
HI ALL! It’s another glorious FEMINIST FOLLOW FRIDAY night :)
Here’s this week’s list of feminist tumblrs and feminists with tumblrs (newest at the top in bold followed by everyone who has ever been on the list):
- serifedlife
- lukacs
- dontneedyou
- junkwhore
- juliaburke
- definatalie
- beebeeceegirl
- joetheblogger
- cherieloca
- theangryhippie
- bigfatfeminist
- sacraments
- dylanastasia
- toutlemondeamoi
- thanksvision
- misslexington
- onewaystreets
- planetesauvage
- nocandyforyou
- heroinechic
- cakecrumbtrail
- fyfluidgenderandsex
- eveningland
- vulturine
- bekahdrey
- meloukhia
- dianeshipley
- meowsense
- iamdeewench
- radioactiveriotgrrrls
- youcanhaveitall
- emmacooper
- fuckyeahsassymagazine
- divine-decadence
- krona
- mikkipedia
- jesscapade
- madformanhattan
- zaazaa
- cuntbutton
- femtastic
- skoutt
- theoceanandthesky
- laughingrachel
- askepticandafeminist
- superglue-anonymous
- vicieuse
- howluckyweare
- goddamnhoney
- slaterwashere
- jooniper
- swampdoom
- supersoygrrrl
- hungryfeminist
- courtneypie
- notyourfathersoldsmobile
- glitterbombing
- thatbirdonlysingswhensad
- allthebirds
- humorlessfeminist
- psychotropicpolitics
- dontbreedwellincaptivity
- sourgr4pes
- foolforcute
- closetospring
- orchidaceae
- ovarycat
- anorexicmagazines
- fuckyeahfiercebitches
- hopesichord
- grabthatgun
- socalfeminist
- theworldturneddayglo
- leahsworoglian
- femonster
- herhairagamiset
- queercore
- glass-onion-
- karinahh
- bkrugergraffiticollective
- thoselittlewords
- feministnerd12
- last-beautiful-girl
- artificialreality
- swipebook
- rgr-pop
- well-behavedwoman
- feministfilm
- carlosbtoomer
- gonnaruinyrshoes
- carlykitty
- friendlyharpy
- bitchesbesmoking
- youburnsohard
- haphazardry
- pixyled
- kypri
- dolorestrends
- mygypsyblood
- pridenotprejudice
- fuckyeahgenderstudies
- deceptivecadences
- kitsch-
- tulletulle
- becauseiamawoman
- resmc
- reclusiveobscenities
- anarchofeminist
- rockerrepro
- kittykittybangbang
- poisonedwings
- browngirlspeaksup
- kagey
- chilliwhack
- monsterpussy
- thatbridgeisonfire
- vanishedknights
- lesliehasleryngitis
- kklilveggies
- sumilove
- bunnycaper
- justgoaheadnow
- avaadore
- katelucia
- dcrcc - The DC Rape Crisis Center tumblr run by lyssamae
- prominte
- faketrain
- blasfeminist
- rabbleprochoice
- sixteendays
- i-am-the-lighthouse
- felipezee
- ertelofthenight
- novazembla
- stfuconservatives
- lajacaranda
- ciminou
- feminaction
- feministjenn
- resmc
- abbyjean
- kaninchenzero
- ihatethismess
- biologicalxbutterfly
- bringmethathorizon
- donewiththisshit
- clio-jlh
- hoaxzine
- blackfeminismlives
- feministjillian
- mikusagi
- crustyriotqueer
- queerwatch
- embraceyourbody
- fuckyeahlesbians
- iomoth
- kungfucarrie
- clingtomymouth
- smart-art
- greaterthanlapsed
- atrapforfools
- fakefuckery - a tumblr I run about photoshopping, body image and beauty
- lornadoome
- femmefeminist
- librarianpirate
- lipstick-feminists
- linesinbetween
- mmmfeminism
- rosietint
- anotherdeadhead
- yeahgrrrl
- dynamiteinadixiecup
- lookuplookup
- losercore
- stripedsocksproject
- seaponies
- sslut
- satansonatas
- heathermarie
- padaviya
- pyrrhosrepublic
- proofrawk
- redchinablues
- mayaslinklings
- wellbehaved
- meredithann
- fuckyeahfeminists
- thurstonheartsthewho
- getmeaway
- thelastgreatpoolparty
- rarelyinhistory
- empair
- queermovieman
- overdosebabyblue
- viviopsis
- randompiegon
- lyssamae
- ammirare
- tigersmilk
- desordremuetprecaire
- sluthaditcoming
- sheresists
- cooledskin
- earlyfrost
- burningofftheclouds
- julietburgess
- naomiwaxman
- wellreadfeminists
- fuckyeahriotgrrrl
- misogynywatch
- jennyschecter
- somethingtoobrave
- littlemissapocalypse
- halvgal
- zurik
- uk-feminism
- rosietherioter
- equalitymyth
- brave-slut
- lostgrrrls
- autumndae
- tasteslikestatic
- elpy
- volcanoes
- fieryholocaust
- baruchandroll
- melissabryan
- mutedheartbeats
- marvelousthing
- oeillades
- piscesinpurple
- woopsfeminism
- iammcdawg
- redinmyeyes
- prettyyoungtext
- sarahgraham7
- sevennation
- lielielielielie
- hellolmc
- feministfury
- lumberjack
- alla1
- courageuse
- sequinissues
- rhymeswithparade
- womanhouse
- postmodernsleaze
- jamielapluie
- musicandcolors
- ashleyroland
- hveasey
- emilyswash
- littlelightx
- 2591
- queenie-revolution
- silentpunk
- jesskadoom
- unclose
- tawny
- howeverfaraway
- waifsworld
- thegirlsrepublic
- glitteranddie
- flightofsparrow
- emiiilyjane
- smartchickscommune
- ohwowhayley
- chasingseasfoam
- melonhollie
- revolutionqueergrrrlstyle
- dilettantesdimestore
- damnitdisney
- spectrumnaut
- becauseiamawoman
- thefistofartemis
- peppermintwolfman
- femblr
- virgin
- trixiefilms
- justgoaheadnow
- andreaisace
- ercornell
- rachelhills
- nnmichelle
- moreapologies
- hollyisabella
- pluseyes
- ineffableshe
- caramelbaloney
- objectifiant
- left-handedrevolution
- clitorisaurusrex
- ladysugatitshoecakes
- thepeacockangel
- lesbianlust
- ursuchahotmess
- kaitlinvroom
- johncagecale
- mumblerer
- jonathan-cunningham
- artificialflowering
- likefirehellfire
- missworld - and me, because, well, you know…it’s nice to be included ;)