Fat acceptance doesn’t simply advocate in favour of fatness. Fat acceptance is also about rejecting a culture that encourages us to rage and lash out at our bodies, even hate them, for looking a certain way.
It’s about setting our own boundaries and knowing ourselves, and making smart decisions about how we live and how we treat ourselves, and ferociously defending the privacy of those choices. It’s about promoting the idea that anything you do with your body should come from a place of self-care and self-love, not from guilt and judgment and punishment.
It’s about demanding that all bodies, no matter their appearance or age or ability, be treated with basic human respect and dignity.
Lesley Kinzel of fatshionista.com in geez magazine (via http://m-yz.tumblr.com/ (via radicalhateloss, queerfathungry) (via curvesahead) (via fatgirlsguide)
The first sentence and last sentence should be bolded and repeated ad infinitum.
(via laurendarling)