19! but it’s not about when (although sooner is better than later) but that it happens at all.
I’m figuring it out at 22! :)
I wish I could make some kind of pie chart of how much of my time used to be taken up with worrying about/attempting to alter/crying over my looks in my teenhood. It would be a pretty exhaustingly big slice, I can tell you.
I AM ALMOST 30!!! I have waited my entire life to be 30 because somehow I knew life would be better, and you know what? IT IS. LIFE IS AMAZING. Life is just going to get better too! I get to do all kinds of stuff for my blog, and I draw for a living, and I talk about body image and body acceptance and if 16 year old Natalie could see me she’d be like “FUCK YEAH, I KNEW YOU’D BE DOING COOL SHIT!”