loveyourbodydetroit replied to your photo: Shut up with your cuteness. Shut uppppp! (Taken…
Looks soooo much like my dog Cricket. All of your photos make me miss her. =0(
Miffy is sending you and Cricket puppy hugs for when you need them. :(
diancalondon replied to your photo: Shut up with your cuteness. Shut uppppp! (Taken…
What breed is your puppy? Shes the cutest! My parents have an almost 2 year old bichon and a lot of your pup’s adorableness reminds me of him!
Miffy is a cross between bichon frise and shih tzu. Most people think she’s a maltese so I’m quite chuffed you recognised the bichon in her. She even goes racing around the house like a bichon!