Patrick Hayes, a journalist who writes for Huffington post, on his Twitter, regarding this article from the Guardian.
**Trigger warning for rape, violence**
Just to rehash the article on the Guardian, women bloggers and journalists are complaining about the fact that so many of the responses they get to their blogs, articles, etc. are violent and threatening. An example from the article:
“You’re gonna scream when you get yours. Fucking slag. Butter wouldn’t fucking melt, and you’ll cry rape when you get what you’ve asked for. Bitch.”
This is not a case of feminists accusing people they disagree with of being rapists. This is a case of people who disagree with them feeling that the fact that a woman stated an opinion that is different from their own merits threats of rape and violence.
I’m just aghast that there are people, like apparently Patrick Hayes, who are more affronted by the argument that there might be something wrong with men who use threats of violence and rape to intimidate and silence women they disagree with than they are by the fact that women in the public sphere are routinely attacked with these kinds of threats.
(via robot-heart-politics)