But at least I live my life free not letting others tell me what to say, do and be. Their censorship of fat people speaks for itself.
I am glad I left the fat acceptance movement. This is total evidence of what it has become. Where is the acceptance in fat acceptance? Only perky younger midsized women who have good health need apply who can sing the praises of fat to each other and live in delusion land. Now what is interesting is how closed they are to any other opinions.
I have realized engagement with these folks, is a waste of time, so dear reader, you probably will not hear of any more personal battles with them, but I will still write against the two sided set of lies when it comes to obesity. By the way I am not the first one who has encountered this, they do ban anyone [fat or thin] who questions their theories.
from “Only The Positive Side of Fatness Can Be Discussed?” at FiveHundredPoundPeeps. (via peecharrific)
I think this part of the fatosphere is off of my radar. This bit from this blog kind of boggles me:
What is “intersectional identity”? Sometimes this liberal new academic speak escapes me.
That statement strikes me in a..I don’t know in some kind of way. People have said that to me on my blog at times and it tires me out.
I find the indictment of fat acceptance as a whole based on what seem like personal disagreements disheartening.
Then again I’m not amongst the famous folks in FA so I dunno if I count among the people this blogger dislikes.
(via nudiemuse)I have feelings about this. It sucks that the OP had shitty interactions. Though I feel like they are treating everyone who talks about fat acceptance or activism as a monolith. It denies the true and huge variety of ways in which people practice fat activism, like what about non bloggers, people who walk down the street feeling a little less like they are a terrible fat Satan.
Not all of acceptance is feel good. Denying the fucked up and very personal experiences of fat and how it meshes with lived experience and identity is foolish and not meaningful at all.
But many bloggers in the fatosphere DO take measures to protect themselves that some people find harsh and exclusive. I personally find diet talk incredibly triggering, thus do not allow it on web spaces that I maintain. I feel like its an act of self care for me, but I understand how it can make people feel like they can’t interact. It’s complicated.