Image - an altered front cover showing a fat girl wearing a yellow singlet with jeans and a pink fat necklace. Text says “Maggie Reclaims The Word Fat. By Necklace by”
Maggie Reclaims the Word Fat.
With necklace by Definatalie. (I don’t think they are up for ordering right now, though) Part Nine in a Series of Maggie’s Adventures after learning to love her body.
“Maggie Gains Back the Weight and Learns to Accept Her Body”
“Maggie Gets a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies”
“Maggie Joins a Roller Derby League”
“Maggie Learns to Belly Dance”
I don’t have fat necklaces in stock at the moment, I feel like I’m letting so many people down, but I’m going to the acrylic factory to look at their acrylic colours tomorrow! SOON, MY PRETTIES, SOON.
Anyway, this is badass and I’m so chuffed.