- My act of calling out racism, is not worse than the act of racism itself.
- My drawing attention to a racist act, is not the same as calling the person a racist.
- There is a high correlation to racism and racist acts. This isn’t up to me.
- The intentions of a person who commits a racist act are irrelevant.
- Comparing the struggles of Native people to other more mainstream fashion trends does not a strong argument make; it makes you look even more ignorant than the person I’m calling out. This is because you have been shown the act of racism, you are choosing to ignore it, and you are then piling another act of ignorance on top of the first.
- Becoming defensive when reading my work doesn’t lead to productive dialogue.
- Identifying the person’s race who is committing the act of racism does not make me a racist.
- Deciding that my people have bigger problems that I should focus on isn’t your call. All you know about me is that I run this blog. I find its succinct qualities to be much more effective than if I were to de-streamline, and have a general-racism or general-native blog. Also, who are you to tell me what is important for my culture? As www.derailingfordummeis.com so eloquently states;
- Don’t You Have More Important Issues To Think About?
- As with the best of all these techniques, this step operates on several levels. First of all, it communicates to the Marginalised Person™ that you think the entire debate is trivial and below consideration, indicating you entirely disregard their feelings and emotions. Secondly, you disown responsibility for your part in the debate and anything that you’ve said that may have been discriminatory or offensive.
- Finally, you reinforce your Privilege® by suggesting that it is Privileged People’s® job to set the agenda for the Marginalised Group™. After all, how could they possibly know what issues they should prioritize for themselves, they’re far too inferior and stupid! You, with your objective, rational Privileged® perspective, on the other hand, know exactly what is most important and it is definitely not confronting you with your own bigotry and ignorance!
- I will not be quiet. Many people think that my message is overdone. I disagree. Until I stop seeing this trend, I’m not going to stop with my message. Don’t like it? Feel free to hit the unfollow button. I don’t force you to read this. I know some people are “tired” of listening to me. Guess what?! I’m tired of repeating myself. I’m tired of explaining and refuting and constantly re-hashing tired arguments for people unwilling to do the leg-work themselves. I have a day job and an active social life to maintain, but I’m not going to stop. I’m the energizer bunny of race relations. Try me.
- I have a huge following of supporters whom I am indebted to. Every little message of support in my email or ask box is cherished. I can’t respond to them all, but I read, and value them all. They are intelligent people. If you don’t take my word for it, take theirs. Their insight tacked onto each of the re-blogs is so invaluable. Thank you.
Because unfortunately, this bears repeating.