[Image removed as it is clear that it was taken without knowledge or consent of the subject. Image depicted a beautiful, fat very light skinned person sitting down at a table with pizza in front of them, eating.]
My girlfriend took this photo earlier and sent it to me. It’s a fat person eating Pizza Hut alone.
First and foremost, she isn’t alone but even if she was why does that even matter? you’re making fun of someone for something we all do and need to do in order to fucking survive. Also, you’re in the same fucking restaurant, eating the same fucking food and you can somehow find something wrong with this innocent woman eating a meal she enjoys? Grow up, seriously. Actually no, growing up isn’t what you need to do because I really don’t think a child would even do such a stupid, pathetic thing. People like you, the ones who are so incredibly filled with prejudice and ignorance are the reason why we still have have hate in this world. Its the reason why people even feel low or insecure about themselves. All this picture does is remind me how terrible of a person you are!
What the fuck is wrong with people? She is eating, big fucking deal. She has more guts than the original poster will ever have. I’m sick of people judging others based on their weight. EVERYONE HAS TO EAT. I want to slap the person who took this picture across the face. They are the reason why people are so self conscious and are worried to go out in public.
you and your girlfriend are disgusting excuses of humans
you’re sick fucks
Contrary to popular belief, fat people STILL ACUTALLY DO NEED TO EAT FOOD TO SURVIVE. I KNOW, ITS SHOCKING. I guess fat people aren’t allowed to eat anything a rabbit wouldn’t though, or else we’re allowed to take pictures of them and laugh at them for shit that’s none of our fucking business.
OP is actually scum. I’m ashamed to share a city with him. His girlffriend is even worse. You should both be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
Okay first off:
1. I get your outrage and I’m glad that you get that this shit is wrong but STOP REBLOGGING THIS WITH THE FUCKING PICTURE, PEOPLE. This person, whoever they are, obviously did not know or consent to that picture being taken. At the very least we can stop reblogging it and spreading it around.
This is basically stalking with a camera. In a public place. This is a gross violation of privacy, of a person’s basic rights not to become the target of internet ridicule without even knowing about it, and about fifty other things that I am too FUCKING ENRAGED to get into.
This person and their girlfriend have stalked a complete stranger because of their weight. That makes them douchebags in the first degree.
2. The OP and their girlfriend need to be charged with something. I hope that the person in this photo finds them and sues the shit out of them. I hope they lose every fucking dollar to their names. Sorry isn’t enough here. Sorry isn’t going to change the fact that these two assholes who apparently lack basic empathy and compassion decided to make a target of a random human being just for fun. We have words for that kind of behavior. Sociopath is one of them.
This shit right here? Is selective sociopathy. It is someone selectively becoming devoid of basic fucking conscience and hurting another person for shits and giggles.
3. This is what obesity hysteria and fear mongering gets you. It gets you people who think that you lose your humanity after a certain pants size. And by lose your humanity, I mean lose the right to eat a fucking meal in peace without becoming a target. When us fatties here on Tumblr talk about this shit, talk about why we need our spaces so desperately, talk about these things? THIS IS WHY.
This is why we get mad when people who don’t have this shit done to them want to be front and center in our movements, want to have their size six asses right up next to ours in our communities and pretend like feeling fat and BEING VIEWED AS SO FAT THAT SOMEONE THINKS TAKING A PICTURE OF YOU IN PUBLIC AND POSTING IT TO TUMBLR IS FUNNY AS HELL are not the same fucking thing.
This is what we’re talking about. You can feel like the biggest fatty that ever fatted, but if your skinny ass is sitting there and isn’t actually, factually FAT? Then shitbags like this OP and their girlfriend don’t whip out the camera and take a picture of you and put it on tumblr.
This is what we mean when we talk about body policing being different than fat hate. Because telling you to feel something and PHYSICALLY VIOLATING YOUR SAFETY AND YOUR SPACE are two different acts, okay? So do not fucking come to me crying when you feel like someone has said you’re not fat enough for FA/HAES/Fat positivity when you can know that nobody is going to start snapping shots of you eating because apparently they view you as little better than a grazing goddamn cow, and entitled to even less respect.
4. This shit has been going on for YEARS on the internet, and it isn’t just fat people. POC who express their culture are targets, POC who are lower class are double targets if someone wants to make fun of them for being “ghetto”, GLBT folks, especially those who don’t pass well or present differently have been frequent targets, as are the homeless and women in vulnerable positions. Those who are all of the above are definitely on the hit list of folks that apparently don’t have the right not to become public targets via a camera and an internet connection and someone else’s complete inability to act like a remotely decent human being.
People have been taking unconsenting photos of others to ridicule them and passing them around. This need stop. There’s a whole other world of discussions that need to happen about the fact that putting a camera in everyone’s phone and iPod and other accessible devices means we need to start teaching people to be careful and respectful about the pictures they take of others and how they disseminate them.
This is very much a form of violation.
Thank you for writing this.
OP check yourself.