Sylvia Plath (via sometimesafantasy) (via fuckyeahsylviaplath) (via zeitgeistbitches) (via pcquotes)
(via thingsimreading)
I’m sometimes really honest with this question (“Oh, you know. Depressed, but that’s pretty normal. How about you?”), and it’s astonishing how uncomfortable it makes people.
(via dorianisms)
I need to follow your lead. I have a tendency to hide my depression and I hate being asked how I am, especially by people who know how I am feeling. It feels like an invasive question, but I really ought to turn it around and let people know how I REALLY am!
Another issue I have with being open about my depression is that people usually ask me why I’m depressed. It makes me want to roll my eyes and slam my head into the desk. Those people are also the sort to tell me to cheer up too. I’m a fairly cheery person - I like being happy - and if I could cheer up I would, but it’s not so simple when your brain is telling you uncheery things.