I guess I’m in a weird place right now. Yeah… I am not having good self worth tiems in my brain and I’m feeling super self conscious about what I do and what other people see in me. I’ve blogged for a long time, mostly because it helped me when I was in truly awful circumstances and now it feels like everything I write is so public and not in line with what blogging is. There is a lot of contamination in blogging media of mainstream stuff and it makes me feel uncomfortable when people and businesses see bloggers as brands rather than a bunch of people all with very different experiences of the world. It feels like a bunch of platforms for powerful and open speech are being closed in on and I don’t know if I belong anymore.
A lot of the time I think to myself, “Who really cares about how I feel when people judge my big belly as a pregnant belly when people can go to a blog that is updated twice a day, with giveaways and shiny sponsored content?” IDK. I’m just feeling like the place I made for myself on the internet is being encroached on and I am not comfortable with it.
Thank you for your lovely words. They mean a lot.