Just as we are shamed anytime we step outside of what are deemed to be social norms, we are rewarded when we comply, because this helps to maintain the hierarchy of bodies. This man was held up to the public as an example of what not to be, and by rewarding the creator, the message was sent that fat shaming is a positive, no matter how emotionally harmful this is for fat people.
The solution to the end of these sorts of attacks is not for fat people to lose weight, but for skinny people to grow a freaking heart. Very few meet the physical standard that has become normalized and even those people quickly find that as they age their ability to conform becomes compromised.
These standards that we have created are false and harmful. They send us chasing after a dream physic that in many cases is unachievable, while suggesting that we cannot live full and complete lives until we find a way to conform.
janedoe225: Just as we are shamed anytime we step outside of what are deemed to be social norms,...