Image - a screen shot of a photo of ME with a blurb about how awesome I am and a button entreating you to vote for ME for Cosmopolitans Fun Fearless Female of the year.
SO THIS HAPPENED. I don’t really understand, I am not a very ~Cosmopolitan~ type of lady but I appreciate the nomination and the recognition of what I do (doodling, taking photos of myself and blogging, yep!)
If you like you can vote for me! (Thank you)
500 ways to please your man: Vote for Natalie because she’s a badass and then touch his penis or something…
Seriously, I want her to win so bad. It’s like Cosmo actually realized what “fearless” means.
Natalie is awesome! Vote for her!!!
good for you natalie. i voted, but then it took me to some more options to vote for other things so i don’t know if it counted.
Apparently you have to vote for every category and then fill out your details at the end. Eeep!! I didn’t realise until much later :(
Also thank you EVERYONE for all the support. I’m really overwhelmed.