I will shove a fucking cheeseburger down your throat.
I hate when people assume skinny girls can’t have a fucked up body image and think insinuating they need violently force-feeding will help their self esteem (and possible EDs).
Thank you, commentary.
I cannot stand when I see this. Because if there’s a young woman out there (or any person of any gender identity and age) who has been affected by our culture to believe they need to resize their body, the answer is not to shame them about feeling body shame. Shame squared does not result in healthier, happier people. It just results in people being silenced. *side eyes OP so hard you could use it for a hammer*
Look, as a very fat person, I know that telling someone they need to go out and rearrange their body size and shape to suit what you think is right or “healthy” is just NOT ON. EVER. AT ANY TIME - but I also know that the culture I live in and many other cultures do just that, every day. And they don’t stop at fat people, either. That includes telling “skinny girls” that they’re wrong or bad or somehow deserving of ridicule if they believe they need to diet. Or saying you’re “too skinny”. Even when you may be a person who eats 4,000 calories a day and just doesn’t gain weight. That happens. Metabolisms vary wildly. Some people can eat a whole pizza every damn day and stay very thin. Some people can eat nothing but lettuce and not lose a pound. Some people are in between. And not one single person needs or deserves ridicule or other people’s smart ass opinions.
And by smart ass opinions, I mean telling people who are “too skinny” that they need to “eat a cheeseburger”. I find it interesting you pick the very foods that fat people get accused of eating too much of when you want to make jabs at “skinny girls”. How do you know the “skinny girl” (or skinny person) isn’t eating cheeseburgers? How do you know the fat person is?
Frankly, what it tells me is that you’re more concerned with making sure all the bodies and voices around you are pleasing to you than anything else. You’re invested in the kyriarchy, the oppression of bodies, the policing of our very forms.
No one is immune to body policing. Even the most thin privileged person is still going to experience body policing (which also includes more than just weight - it includes looking too old or too tired or having scars or blemishes and much more more).
I mean, goddamn, here in the U.S. even the most honored and professional actresses on the night when they go to receive one of our highest awards for their work (an Oscar) spend hours beforehand having their dresses, their bodies, their weight, their hair, their appearance shredded by commentators and people who think it’s all great fun and make LOTS OF MONEY off of it. (BTW, I pretty much have to turn off all social networking on Oscar/Emmy/Grammy nights because if I see one more person saying that this dress makes that actress look [insert negative thing] or “she didn’t do her hair very well” or “that’s not her color” - I’m seriously going to start going off on people.)
The answer to this is to STOP POLICING BODIES, not to mock or ridicule or disdain those who express how they’re feeling while under the frankly volcanic pressure. *rageface*
And while (as I’ve said elsewhere) that it’s not the same as fat hate, it’s still a very bad thing, it’s still very harmful, and this is still exactly the bullshit that keeps it going. And it still needs to be fought.
If you’re a “skinny girl” and you think you need to go on a diet? This fat chick over here is telling you this:
a) Only you can decide what you do and don’t need to eat, what’s right and wrong for your body. If you do go on a diet, I’m not going to get in your face and say you need to eat a cheeseburger. You need to eat what you think you need to eat, you need to be left alone to make decisions, you need people to get out of your face. I’m not going to mock you. I’m not going to call you a traitor or a sell out, because you’re not really the person hurting me. You’re the person who’s getting hurt by the same force that’s hurting me. I’m going to call you a human being, I’m going to treat you like I’d want to be treated. I’m not going to say shit about what you do or don’t put in your mouth, because that’s none of my big fat business. Whatever your body is now, whatever it will be later, it’s all good to me. You are all good to me. At any damn size.
b) Whatever shape you are, you don’t owe your body to anyone, not me, not the OP, not your family, not your friends, not the magazines, not the media, not your boss, not your significant other, not the system. Maybe your goal in life is to be 98 lbs. Maybe that’s not healthy for you (or maybe it is, hell, I don’t know your situation), but however it goes, you don’t owe me your health - physical or mental. I hope you take care of yourself, but even if you’re at a place where you can’t or won’t, you still DON’T owe me that. So if we cross paths and you’re in that place, my response will be to accept you as you are, to treat you as respectfully and kindly as I can.
c) Take care of yourselves as best you can, because you deserve it, because your bodies are your bodies, because no one has the right to shame you.
d) And when someone comes around to say shit about your bodies, say you’re too skinny (relative to what? some people are fat, some people are thin, get over it) this big fat girl will be your ally, and she’ll be there to tell those people to STFU AND GTFO, pronto. They don’t have the right to shame either of us, and if I wouldn’t let it happen to one of my fellow fat folks, I’m sure as shit on shingle not gonna let it happen to you without standing up and saying, “Hey, NOT COOL. NOT COOL AT ALL.”
In a society that pressures people (especially female-bodied or female-identifying people) into believing that their worth is determined by how closely their bodies get to reaching the ever moving goal posts of Beauty and Gender Rightness and all the other things, this sort of shit is deeply damaging to the selves of so many people. And frankly, it’s another way to keep people running around, feeling ashamed and silenced.
So I stand up and say, “Not cool, OP. NOT COOL AT ALL.”
I hate it when skinny girls say they need to diet.