seriously people it’s not about your suffering being unworthy or less than or inequitable with anyone else’s suffering: it’s about appropriate use of and respect for a space.
a space for the experience/suffering of overweight/obese people is not a space for your experience/suffering/oppression as a non overweight/obese person.
a space for the experience/suffering of POC is not a space for your experience/suffering as a white person who lacks het/cis/able bodied/neurotypical/thin privilege.
a space for the experience/suffering of queer people is not a space for your experience/suffering as anyone but a queer person lacking heterosexual/cisgender privilege.
and none of those spaces are for that time when you were in middle school and someone didn’t like your haircut, unless it relates to your position in a marginalized group in a space for that marginalized group.
tl;dr = yes you have suffered and been made fun of and judged, and that’s valid and important to you, but unless your suffering is related to being overweight or experiencing fat-hate and shaming for being overweight: DON’T TROT IT ALL OUT IN SPACES FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED FAT-SHAMING AND MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOU AND HOW YOU UNDERSTAND THEIR PAIN BECAUSE OF YOUR UNRELATED EXPERIENCE. IT IS DERAILING AND ASININE AND NOT PART OF BEING A GOOD ALLY.
once again as i run off to work