I remember when I was a teen at boarding school we would watch the same films over and over, even really terrible ones. One of them was Circle of Friends, which had the redeeming feature of Chris O’Donnell being very pretty and Minnie Driver being a little feisty. Minnie played a character who was meant to be a bit fat — she was ‘curvy’ in the sense of conventionally attractive with a teensy bit more padding, truly. But she wasn’t blonde and she wasn’t rail-thin and that made her passably ‘interesting looking’ and relatable. Anyhoo, there is a scene where they give her a hard time at a dance and she says “I know I may look like a rhinoceros, but I’ve got quite a thin skin really.” Clearly, Minnie Driver in no way resembles a rhinoceros but that scene still resonated with me and does still. Just because I am tough and independent and big and strong and fat and loud does not mean that I do not get hurt. I do.
Today I feel like staying at home, out of sight, because my unacceptable body doesn’t want to be glared at.
That bit got to me too. *hug*