Yep that was me. Over the past few years I have come to a place where I have realised that I participated in negative, hurtful and offensive behaviour. There’s no sense in denying it, because the internet records everything! In the last year I wrote a few things about being a part of those LJ communities and being a jerk because while I could say in myself that I absolutely rejected the things I used to say and do and be a part of, other people who knew me back then probably would have been confused or thought I was a hypocrite. So I wanted to be completely open about everything (without expecting cookies for changing or whatever!)
Here’s a few links to some posts I wrote about the things I used to do and how I came to a place where I felt deeply uncomfortable and horrified at myself.
Confessions of a former snarker.
You Sound Fat: Fat Embodiment Online - this is a video and transcript of the paper I gave at last year’s first Australian Fat Studies conference.