Thank you!
look for healthier kinds of breads too :)
Actually, weight is a really complicated issue and Calories In/Calories Out does not even begin to explain the natural variations in human size and shape.
Anyone who preaches CI/CO is woefully misinformed.
If calories in/calories out was accurate, you wouldn’t be able to have shows like The Biggest Loser to begin with, because competition wouldn’t matter. Everyone who did the same amount of work and ate the same amount of calories would lose the same amount of weight.
But, they don’t. Sometimes people work their asses off and they lose nothing but a pound or they sort of coast and end up getting surprised that they lost 10 lbs or something.
Which means that somewhere, somehow THERE ARE OTHER FACTORS AT WORK HERE. Thus, weight isn’t that simple.
Thus, all you can really do is take care of yourself the best you can, practice good self-care, eat and exercise as well as you can given what you’ve got to work with and give a big New York City Bird to anyone who tells you that the secret to your body’s complex and as of yet not fully understood chemistry and mechanisms is NOT EATING FUCKING BREAD.
I fuckin love bread. You can pry it out of my cold hands.