One More Thing
I’m also sick of hearing that this is somehow a bullshit protest because it’s happening on Twitter instead of the street. After one day, #mooreandme had the attention of Keith Olbermann, among others — including NYT reporter and Half the Sky co-author Nicholas Kristof; CauseWired author Tom Watson; Jezebel, Slate, Salon, Mediaite, and The Washington Post online, off the top of my head. How many in-person protests get that kind of media attention within 24 hours of their conception?
Yesterday, day three, it turned into a fundraiser for anti-sexual assault organizations–including RAINN, which will be matching donations until December 31–and hundreds of people (at least) have made whatever donations they could afford.
My most recent post on the matter (on a blog I never update, which usually gets a few hundred views a day) has been viewed over 24,000 times. Andrew Sullivan linked to it after posting a bunch of “Consent is confusing!” bullshit from his readers, and acknowledged that the allegations, whether or not they’re true, definitely describe rape. Prominent people are thinking twice about the narratives they’re buying into and propagating.
I’ve picked up more than 200 new Twitter followers — most of them, presumably, feminists and anti-rape activists I didn’t know before this week — as a direct result of #mooreandme. And I’ve only been involved to the tune of a couple dozen tweets and two blog posts.
You want to tell me again that online activism doesn’t really accomplish anything?
Why I’m On Board With #mooreandme by Kate Harding (via punchandgetout)
(via queerdiddlebot)
Fuck yeah, I love Kate Harding.
(via iamoffendedbecause)