“Fat activists don’t deny that fat can impact health. We deny the conclusions drawn about that. Both about individual health and about personal morality or responsibility. Fat people have unique health concerns that need to be addressed. The issue is that our current system doesn’t do that. It fails the health needs of fat people by insisting on stigmatizing fat and promoting failed treatments that do nothing to address one’s health. They say that fat activists don’t care about the health of fat people, but I say that’s 100% false. We DO care about the health of fat people and that’s why we demand better than futile weight loss dieting. They’ve had decades to enforce their views and its done nothing. We need to stop this and start finding ways to serve fat people’s health needs with respect for their body. Not with an insistence that the body change before you start caring. That’s not the conversation they want to happen, but its what must happen. - Brian”
http://red3.blogspot.com/2010/12/new-conversation-fat-and-health.html (via silentbeep)
Reblog a thousand times.
(via mymilkspilt)