Matthew Lewis, who plays who plays Neville, has undergone a bigger physical transformation than any other person who works in those films, to the point that, when I went to the read through of Half Blood Prince, that we were all sitting in this great square, they put all the tables from the Great Hall into this big square so everyone’s facing inwards for the read through. And facing me were Dan, and Rupert, and Emma, and Evanna, and Bonnie, and the main lot. And there’s this really big cool guy sitting there, with a bit of stubble, and wearing this woolen hat, and a leather jacket, and I didn’t recognize him, and my eyes pass on, and I sort of thought, “That will be the guy they’ve got playing McLaggen.” And then I thought, “Where’s Matthew?” And I looked at him, and my God, when did that happen? So he’s really a very cool dude, and yeah.
Nick and I are watching one of the movies every week (or two last night!) and I even mentioned as we were watching the third movie and Neville came on screen that they must have changed the actors, since the actor was much taller and thinner than the actor playing Neville in the first and second movies. Nick immediately went to the internet and told me it was the same actor! I forget how rapidly growth spurts can affect some people!!