…See, if Gala wasn’t allowed to appropriate other cultures, her life would be less sparkly! And since Gala’s livelihood is based on women wanting to read about her sparkly life, well… she is gonna keep appropriating because hey, it (indirectly, I admit) makes her some cash….
I missed your comment Natalie (what happened/which post was it on?), but yeah, I agree with the general UGH here.
It happened on twitter a little while ago. I think I felt really embarrassed about it, and deleted my tweet. After GD, NT and some other All Star Bloggers chewed me out :(
IDK, if you’re going to be all chirpy about body love, show some damned body diversity on your blog guhhhh.
Natalie, I sent her an email that said “hey, you talk about self love a lot but your models seem pretty white, thin, and able-bodied to me…” and she was basically like, “hey, i try… but i get all my photos on flickr, and there isn’t really anything diverse on there…”
Blah. I wonder why there are so many awesome photos that would fit the bill on my dashboard?
She said that? Really?
Girl needs to hop on the tumblrnet. Or… just stop being lazy.
I love that you emailed her. HERO!