Some feminists make it really hard for me to love feminism.
Obviously this is a problem with most social movements and certain of their supporters. But here’s all I’m going to say: What would you all do if I posted a status that said “I hate anything with a vagina unless it shuts up and fucks me”?
Extremist feminism often goes directly into blatant female chauvinism, something that 2nd wave feminist author Betty Friedan noted in her 1998 book “It Changed My Life”.
It’s so very odd that people who think they’re supporting a cause end up doing the exact same thing they think they’re fighting against.
Women aren’t actually able to do the thing they are fighting against, because they don’t hold the systemic power necessary to give these sentiments the same force as when men say them. Men’s sexuality is not commoditized, policed, or controlled on a grand scale; sorority members do not march through college campuses screaming “No means yes and yes means anal,” there is not yet a female equivalent to Tucker Max on the bestseller list, suggesting women treat men like disposable puppets they should delight in being cruel to. The myth of the “man-hating feminist” is yet another way in which the Patriarchy seeks to undercut women’s rights by conflating the entire weight of misogyny in society as a whole with a few ladies blowing off steam on Facebook.
So no, those two things aren’t the same.
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