Gala Darling is so relentlessly full of shit, I’m amazed she hasn’t exploded yet…
Ugh, this ham-handed Miss Manners “advice” pisses me off to no end. Quoting “He’s Just Not That Into You”, even with a caveat about how “cliche” it is (not just cliche, it’s sexist bullshit that assumes human beings are hollow machines that always follow rigid “male” and “female” behaviours) is so stupid I don’t even. If I didn’t start messing around with my best friend and object of secretive and painful love 3 years ago, I wouldn’t have the best partner of all time and the love of my life. It doesn’t matter what your gender is, follow your gut and your heart, even if you risk the kind of pain that tears your insides apart and causes you to weep in your bed for weeks.