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Bitch, please.: Thin Privilege Checklist

Bitch, please.: Thin Privilege Checklist :






Thin Privilege Checklist


  • I can be sure that people aren’t embarrassed to be seen with me because of the size of my body.

I added bold font to the things that, as an extremely thin person, aren’t true for me.

1) People are embarrassed. They are embarrassed often because they think that they are somehow less attractive than I am and feel bad about it/ashamed. I know this because they tell me so. Which is ridiculous.

2) This is half-way untrue. People tell me all the time “dang, girl! If you turned sideways, I’d lose you!” “You’re looking sick, today, you might want to start putting some meat on them bones, before you waste away!” Which only makes me feel MORE uncomfortable about my body. I don’t like people to remind me how thin I am, alright? This is as big as I can get, sorry.

3) People consistently accuse me of being anorexic. I have a lot of anorexic tendencies still, sure, but I’m not starving myself. I eat so many damn bagels.

4) I constantly feel like people are icing me out because I’m thin. Or like they think I must be less intelligent because of my size.

5) I’ve been denied treatment and had to find alternative routes because I’m “technically” underweight for my height. So this is nonsense.

6) Are you fucking kidding me?

7) People do this all the time. I hate it when people look at me. My present sweetheart is also tall and thin. People stare. It’s uncomfortable.

8) Again, are you fucking kidding me? “Cassady, you’re so thin. I know you have body image issues, but you really shouldn’t! You have such a great figure! I’m so jealous. I wish I could be your size…” Stop it. I think about my size every. single. day. And other people are always pointing it out as well.

9) Sure I am. I’m grouped into some category of beauty by people who probably don’t have any idea what it’s actually like to live in a body like this that I hate.

10) Yes. I am. All the time. People often think I am frail or weak because of my size. Like I’m some fucking dainty flower or some shit. No.

These kinds of lists are ridiculous. Do you want me to make a “fat privilege checklist” and see how it makes you feel? Sure, some of these things are true, but that being said, the things I didn’t highlight are true for most people who are “average” “slightly above” or “below” average. I feel attacked every time I read one of these things. It isn’t my fault that I come from a long line of tall, thin people. It’s not my fault that no matter how many carbs I eat, how many beers I drink, how many times a day I eat or how little exercise I get that I stay a size two. Believe me, I wish I had a butt.

Thank you. This list bothered me, but being between most people’s definitions for “skinny” and “fat” I almost feel like I can’t comment at all. All people are judged by their appearances, and no body type gets away without criticism. I don’t see why we should hate on a specific body type instead of the media/society for its failure to portray diversity and lack of body acceptance.


HAHA alright well I guess I should apologise in advance, because this has made me feel pretty mad.
“Do you want me to make a “fat privilege checklist” and see how it makes you feel?” ————— uhhhhhh yeah, sure… I’d love for ANYONE to make me a “fat privilege” check list and then allow me to weigh (lol!) it up against thin privilege. what the fuck would even constitute as fat privilege anyway? being offered the last breadroll because everyone knows you’ve been eyeing it off? lol lol lol
also, “thin” in this context does not mean unhealthy body/body YOU (personally, as the soul existing inside it) hate, it means a body shape that western culture has become accustomed to as the norm. like, yeah… a body shape that is normalised, one that is not only accepted but expected. whether or not you line up behind the sign that says “thin” or “kinda thin but a bit flabby” or “chubby” or “fat”, your view of yourself and the way otehrs view you is (probably) always going to be different. there is a grey area when it comes to how thin is thin/how fat is fat and I feel like the stereotypes that come along with being fat are a hell of a lot more prominent than the ones that come with being thin. any person who is thin (no matter how thin) will still find themselves inadvertently put into an “attractive/desirable” bin REGARDLESS of their personal view of themselves. no matter if you think your ass is big or your legs are chubby, tha media/tha man/tha universe will continually tie a barcode and a price around your waist, and stamp my forehead with a huge red ink stamp that says “TOO FAT. WRONG WAY, GO BACK.” hahahaha

HOWEVER, I should also point out that comparing fat discrimination and thin privilege with other issues like sexuality or is (I agree) a bit problematic because those issues effect people of all sizes rather than just fat people. yes, of course I know that. I would not deny that. but there is no excuse to rebut against “I am not identified by the size of my body” because while “thin” (and let’s remember what I said before about using thin in this context) people may be identified by their body* there is no way in hell that it is on the same level as being identified as FAT and the billion other implications (about relationships, occupation, health, ethics and social life) that are generally seen as synonymous with BEING fat (a few quick examples would be eating a lot of fatty food and never exercising, or never having sex or being sexually desirable or not being able to work a high energy job)

there is my opinion anyway 4 ur eyes 2 c.

oh and I’d just like to point out that ONCE AGAIN, thin people are trying to rain on my fat parade. this list is a space reserved for fatties to rage about what we don’t have/what we are fighting for- if you AREN’T fat and want to do that too, then make your own damn list. THANKS

Another reblog for commentary. 

Ourchangingsky is my hero! <3

I am continually AS-FUCKIN-TOUNDED at people who think because they have their privilege pointed out that people without those privileges HATE them. It’s not about hate, my goodness me can it just not be about ~you~ for a second? You don’t even have to give anything up (a likely story, haha!) just fucking read and understand and be aware that not everybody in the world has the same access to privilege as you.

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