Last week I’d added all the submissions to the queue and found out that Tumblr’s queue was broken so I decided to hold off on relaunching deathfatties but when I came here this morning I found that all the posts had been published automagically. So I hope that you weren’t spammed too much, and I’m sorry if it was a bit of a bombardment.
Anyhoo, I really want this Tumblr to be active again. It ran into trouble when I had to repost from the flickr group and it was a lot of work for me. What I’ll do now is just rely on submissions to here, and leave the flickr group as a standalone.
If you would like to post your fabulous deathfatty OOTD to the site, please head over to the submission page. I want to keep this Tumblr focused on outfit shots so if you include a head to toe picture of you in your fancy gear as well as a description of where you got all your bits and pieces, that would be super.
To visibility and being fabulous!
PSA - if you want to get involved with deathfatties again make sure you submit your outfit photos to the Tumblr page!