there are a lot of things that irritate me about both sexes.
I can’t sit there and say all these things though because it obviously doesn’t apply to everyone. So I will just say one thing to each.
GUYS- It’s not always about sex. Keep your dick in your pants and actually carry a decent conversation and get to know a person.
GIRLS- Stop giving it up so easily. No man will respect you.
Automatic un-follow. Respect has nothing to do with the number of people a girl has slept with, or the ease with which they slip into bed with someone. This reminds me of the horrified and disgusted look my doctor gave me when I told her I’d had over 30 partners in my 28 years. Sexual purity is a fucking non-existent thing.
Also I’ve been dating my boyfriend for nearly two years. He respects the hell out of me and our relationship evolved organically, over time, from a casual-sex based friendship which I initiated.
MY ANECDATA, LET ME SHOW YOU: I’ve been with Nick for just over 5 years. Our relationship is based on casual sex. I’m pretty sure we respect one another ;)