A case study in what not to do when confronted with a culture of sexism.
First, some history. In 1977, a group of St Paul’s College students at Sydney University held an awards ceremony in which a student who raped a woman was applauded for committing “the animal act of the year”. Then last year St Paul’s made headlines again after a Herald journalist, Ruth Pollard, exposed a “Pro Rape/Anti Consent” Facebook group run by students at the college.
And last week, they received the Gold Ernie - a shaming award for extreme misogyny. The awards organiser, Yvette Andrews, says St Paul’s was the clear winner. ”There was a deep agreement that misogyny and sexism is an entrenched and protected part of college culture,” she says.
While the scandal has made the students more media cautious, it does not seem to have affected their attitudes towards women. Earlier this year, a number of St Paul’s students planned a musical dance revue number titledAlways look on the bright side of rape. The number was canned for fear that it might invite media coverage.
In the end, the villain of the revue was called “Ruth Pollard” and students hissed, booed and threw objects when the character appeared. Signs were posted stating the show was “private” and media were not welcome.
These weak attempts to conceal their sexist culture combined with the petty revenge attempts indicate a lack of remorse and unwillingness to address the problem. St Paul’s is not the only institution to be accused of a culture of sexism. In recent times David Jones and the NRL have also come under fire. The different approaches are instructive, and St Paul’s does not come out of it looking good.
When individuals or groups repeatedly violate community standards, the public finds it difficult to forgive. To do so, we expect contrition and genuine effort. If the accused is transparent about the situation, admits the problem and demonstrates true penance, forgiveness may come.
When it was revealed that the former chief executive of David Jones, Mark McInnes, had allegedly sexually harassed a female employee, he stood down, issuing a statement apologising for his “inappropriate behaviour” (leaving with a substantial golden handshake).
St Paul’s offered no acknowledgement or compassionate apology over the Facebook group, or to the victims who alleged they had been sexually assaulted or harassed by St Paul’s students. Instead, it suited up with a team of lawyers and spin doctors. Legal action was threatened against the Herald, and a series of self-congratulatory press releases were crafted and then distributed by an appointed public relations company.
In one, the warden, Ivan Head, wrote: “I am happy to go on the record and affirm that St Paul’s College in the university is one of the most exciting and stimulating places to live, brilliantly in the heart of the university, fully engaged with every aspect of student life, punching above its weight, moderated by wise and astute scholars.”
Tokenistic concern was expressed over “any proven” incitement to rape, though Head then went on to profess complete ignorance of the culture of sexism, harassment and intimidation embedded within the institution.
The other Sydney University colleges did not follow suit. Wesley College said women were “seen as meat” and that offenders regularly escaped discipline. The St Andrew’s College warden began talks with sexual-violence prevention experts. Women’s College set up strategies to help protect female students during O Week.
In 2004 the NRL came under fire after gang rape allegations were made against the Canterbury Bulldogs. While the charges were eventually dropped, the chief executive, David Gallop, realised that sexist attitudes did exist within the code.
Instead of denying or covering up the problem, he opened the doors to a team of sexual ethics experts and educators who interviewed players and management to assess the culture, subsequently developing a comprehensive, long-term sexual ethics education program that is being introduced to all players.
These same experts met St Paul’s after the Facebook scandal broke, but Head ignored their advice, instead electing to run a one-off ”tick-the-box” workshop. He hosted a celebrity-studded, lavish gala dinner for his students, where $10,000 was donated to the White Ribbon Foundation - a men’s organisation dedicated to ending violence against women.
But throwing money at a charity cannot buy absolution. These cases show when it comes to damage control, transparency, contrition and action always trumps denials and cover-ups.
Nina Funnell is a researcher at the journalism and media research centre at the University of NSW
Contrition trumps sexism cover-ups: